African American Artists with the Sunset High School Black Student Union

In the fall of 2020, Color Outside the Lines partnered with the Sunset High School Black Student Union and local artists for a day of art-making, poetry, and conversation. This project gave a group of students from the Black Student Union at Sunset High School, the opportunity to learn about curating and producing a mural series and event from front to back.

The event culminated in the creation of five Talking Walls, including the art installation “I Have a Dream'' by Amara Marluke. Displayed on the park fence outside Sunset High School, the art installation highlights the dreams of youth written on paper cutouts of fists, which were collaged together to spell out Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous phrase, “I have a dream.” Students also painted rocks for a community listening garden, created colorful chalk art, and worked alongside three Portland artists to create artwork for the Sunset High School campus. Working closely with Sunset’s Black Student Union, this event gave students the opportunity to learn how to make an event come to life from start to finish. Ted Talk speaker DeAngelo Raines also led a spoken word exercise.